F1Tenth with the ForzaETH Team
Competing in F1TENTH with ForzaETH
Participating in robotics competitions has always been important to me – I’ve done it in one way or another since high school.
I had the privillege of competing in the F1Tenth autonomous driving competition, for 1/10 scale RC cars. Initially, I focused more on robust localizaiton, but subsequently dabbled in improving our trajectory planning and perception.
Our ForzaETH team has been very successful, and I couldn’t be more proud of what they’ve achieved. The story is better told on their blog posts, so I defer there.
I was involved in three races:
And also did a little cheeky thing with a slightly souped-up particle filter for localization.
What’s cool is that the whole software stack is open-source!
Now I’m at work, I really miss racing…