Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of the things I’ve worked on, roughly ordered in order of coolness.

I always try to learn something new in each of these projects, and most of the time I do.

Hopefully these projects inspire you to do something cool of your own.

If you have any questions about these projects, I would love to get in touch!

Mostly for my convenience, here are some of my config files: tmux

F1Tenth with ETH(2023-2024)

Participating in robotics competitions has always been important to me – I’ve done it in one way or another since high school. I had the privillege of competing in another autonomous driving competition, for 1/10 scale RC cars. Initially, I focused more on robust localizaiton, but subsequently dabbled in improving our trajectory planning and perception.

Our ForzaETH team has been very successful, earning 1st and 3rd places in the 2023 and 2024 international competitions at ICRA.

Pose Graph Optimization for large-scale SLAM (2024)

Master’s Thesis with the Computer Vision and Geometry Group, ETH. Open source Visual SLAM solutions don’t really scale to very large (~1h+) trajectories due to the worst-case cubic complexity of pose graph optimization in the number of poses, and scaling issues on map storage size. We proposed some methods to get around this.

Basic RL for vision-based drone flight (2024)

A cool intensive course by the Robotics and Perception Group, UZH. We applied basic RL algorithms in simulation and on real drones, on the task of controlling a drone to visually film / track a target.

Perception for Big Autonomous Trucks (2023)

I helped to develop perception systems for autonomous trucks in a 6-month internship with Embotech.

BEng Final Year Project (2022)

My individual project to end off three years in Imperial College, about Distributed Multi-Robot Planning in ROS.

Formula Student AI (2022)

I competed in the driverless class of Formula Student, helping the fledgling team get off its feet.

Eurobot Competition (2022)

A competition with the Imperial College Robotics Society.

Two robots were built in 3 weeks!

Robotic Manipulation Coursework (2022)

Controlling a 4-DOF robot arm to do our bidding, using the power of coding and algorithms.

Embedded Systems Coursework (2022)

Creating a smart IoT bicycle lock to keep bicycles safe.

Hexapod Robot (2020)

A six-legged walking robot powered by hobby servos I built myself.

Mars Rover (2021)

Coursework as a Year 2 Imperial College student. I worked on Computer Vision algorithms deployed to a FPGA.

SumoBot (2020)

My first robotics competition in the UK.