Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of the things I’ve worked on, roughly ordered in order of coolness.
I always try to learn something new in each of these projects, and most of the time I do.
Hopefully these projects inspire you to do something cool of your own.
If you have any questions about these projects, I would love to get in touch!
Mostly for my convenience, here are some of my config files: tmux
BEng Final Year Project (2022)
My individual project to end off three years in Imperial College London, about Distributed Multi-Robot Planning in ROS.
Formula Student AI
I competed in the driverless class of Formula Student, helping the fledgling team get off its feet.
Eurobot Competition (2022)
A competition with the Imperial College Robotics Society.
Two robots were built in 3 weeks!
Robotic Manipulation Coursework (2022)
Controlling a 4-DOF robot arm to do our bidding, using the power of coding and algorithms.
Embedded Systems Coursework (2022)
Creating a smart IoT bicycle lock to keep bicycles safe.
ATtiny85 Digital Clock (2022)
An ATTiny85 powered digital clock, powering an OLED display.
Hexapod Robot (2020)
A six-legged walking robot powered by hobby servos I built myself.
Mars Rover (2021)
Coursework as a Year 2 Imperial College student. I worked on Computer Vision algorithms deployed to a FPGA.
SumoBot (2020)
My first robotics competition in the UK.